This is a great exercise to do with other people - and if one is trapped in seat 6A en route to Cairns it helps to tap into a few versions of yourself. Time limits for each quadrant of the paper applies sufficient pressure not to think too hard and "just do it". I thought about printing fabric - how to explore an idea and let one idea bleed into the next - arriving at quite different individual pieces that make up the connected yardage. For this exercise fold a piece of paper into four, choose a person, animal, inanimate object, building, landscape, vegetable ... whatever. Draw one of these in the first quadrant, making sure some of the lines extend into the next quadrant(s) depending on how the paper is folded. Cover up the first drawing, change drawing implement in need and proceed with a different category into the next quadrant. There are so many impressive examples of this around - and on YouTube some inspirational collaborative efforts - Exquisite Corpses. My drawings were inspired by (1) Row 5A/B - chatting about Tibet (2) Seat 6B and partner across the aisle in seat 6C and (3) their intended holiday adventure. We landed before I got to the fourth quadrant ... lots of fun and another opportunity to use otherwise unaccounted for time to boost the creative juices.

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