After outsmarting myself with rebuilding the website - which is now in disarray but thankfully not hacked ... I have got the blog back. It was really interesting to experience such a sense of grief about losing it and wanting to hang on to the remnants (even if they weren't functioning properly or satisfactorily). I found myself willing to cut my losses just to have a connection to the "old" blog. Grief and then relief. Just like not wanting to let go of other loved ones I guess. Anyway - the blog is back. This is a small piece (12 x 12) I'm currently working on for the SAQA benefit auction - which happens each year to raise funds for ...
SAQA. I used hand dyed indigo fabric and have stitched leaf shapes originally stamped from a lino cut block then painted with red and gold acrylic paint, stitched in copper thread and then restitched onto the Indigo background. I'd already machine quilted the background piece - trying to create a sense of slow movement across the water, then the leaves almost floating over the top of the surface. It is very much a work in progress .....
Glad you're back! Auction quilt looking good too.
Welcome back! I was sick for the better part of a week and then found I couldn't get into any of your posts, though they steadily collected in my 'follow' section of the Blogger Dashboard. And that's a lovely piece that's sure to find a home when the bidders at the SAQA auction see it!
Totally understand your grief. I invest a lot in my blog, it's part of my life, and I bet you do too. Well done on sorting it all out - blogger is a pain in changing things all the time too - I've gone backwards into the old way because I just don't get the new. The auction piece is awesome - it'll be snapped up I'm sure!
Glad you're back. SAQA quilt looks great - I'm sure it will be sold very quickly.
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