Saturday, 2 July 2011

This is the blender ...

This must be the ultimate in repurposing in appliances. Ode to Mum and apologies to Jack.

This is the blender that Mum bought.
This is the gift given to Ali of the blender that Mum bought.
This is the masher that pureed paper mache - the gift given to Ali of the blender that Mum bought.
This is the chomper that crushed many ice cubes and pureed paper mache -  the gift given to Ali of the blender that Mum bought.
This is the blender that sluiced lime and tequilla over countless shaved icecubes and made magaritas after that faze of paper mache - the gift given to Ali of the blender that Mum bought.
This is the creator of chemical water with sodium alginate that once sluiced lime and tequilla over countless shaved icecubes and made margaritas after that short-lived moment of paper mache - the gift given to Ali of the blender that Mum bought.
This is a product commonly known as Manutex - ready for some MX dye and some fun. Woooo hoooo.
*and I do mean fazed by paper mache, it was just a short  phase.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Like what for