Those wonderful bits and pieces from one of WMBM's sheds got a new life this morning as they became stamps for a piece of cloth that will become my response to the 2QAQ Challenge - Found Objects. I especially loved the crushed bottle cap I found at the Wellers Hill Bowls Club at the last 2QAQ meeting - I stood on it getting into the car and had a thought. I also like the padlock and pipe pieces. While I was playing, I printed 6 or so pieces of cloth from a sheet of glass - a great size at 600mm x 600mm - and I can tape off a section in need to make a smaller printing area. I've placed the dyed fabric pieces between layers of plastic sheeting to let them rest and keep wet for as long as possible. Tomorrow they'll get a good wash then be left to "batch" for another 24 hours to finish the dyeing process. The other man in my life, Clancy, was a bit too keen to help out in the wet area. At nearly 60 kg (about 130 pounds), he's too cumbersome to be on the loose when I'm dyeing. He was nearly a different shade of burnt orange.

Love the stamping Ali but what a sad face on Clancy who looks very put out by being restrained.
I thought it was more of a "is it time to eat again?" look ... Clancy is taller than the top of the dyeing table and he can make an unimagineable creation in 2 seconds flat. Now that's a thought - "Designed by Clancy" could be coming to a store near you .....
Some whys are necessary
Why did you leave the stamped pieces in the wet context before the washing process
Clancy always looks like that and is just a gorgeous big hunk of a dog
Love the stamped piece, what a great idea
Hi Ali! Clancy looks wonderful and I'm sure he keeps you good company! That fabric is beautiful and so exiting to make it on your own!
Thank you for your kind words on my blog!
x Teje
I think Clancy shoudl get his own blogsite.
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