I've been scratching of sorts - yesterday @ Boonah's Railway end, and then in one of WMBM's sheds. Sacred stuff really. Looking for "found" objects for the 2QAQ challenge - which is to incorporate or otherwise use found objects to create some art quilt magic. I ferreted around in WMBM's tractor shed (except that is houses the old ute, several hundred pot plant plastics, two halves of a power pole and lots of rusty things but no tractor). I

found some objects of interest and put WMBM to the test as he performed the "light the fire so the goddess is warm" ritual, seated in front of the fireplace. What did I find? A piece of "rio" he said - which I think is rusted reinforcing from some long forgotten concrete project - then an old padlock and key that don't work but stay together, a flattened bottle top with #27 stamped on the inside. He sighed. Next a broken bit of bolt, a seal for the tail light of a car resplendent with wiring holes (no car to be seen), pieces of pipe in various stages of discarded rustiness and a spacer for something or other. All of these wisdoms from the WMBM made my eyes twinkle - and he was still holding the unstruck match.
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