As I was leaving paid employment this afternoon the courtyard area was emptied of intruders - just the blustery wind and me left to argue over a piece of red silk. I love the public art in and around the streets of Ipswich - so many ideas, and 40 more circuits of the sun left to do it all! Thanks for your comments Sue - I still want to know how you get the little bits of shiva off the tiles in the motel rooms. WMBM and I spent quite some time on our knees in New Zealand scraping minuscule bits of gold, cooper and iridescent charcoal from the floor tiles.
Hi Ali, I find the wet wipes in the SueDee kit help clean up errant Shiva. Failing that- some soapy water. You could put a layer of newspaper down first- just don't slip on it!
Tea tree oil is great with oily things
Thank you Sue and Judy - we used fingernails and prayers - if it ever happens again shall head to the SueDee kit for the wipes!
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