It's hot and yucky. 40 degrees on the verandah and it's just gone 3pm - the chooks are lying underneath trying to get a bit of cooler air. There is none. I'm resting my foot - it remains encased in compression stockings that don't go so well with the weather - but I'm doing exactly as I was told to do - and have been finishing some hand sewing projects. A journal cover as a 70th birthday present - to record the event with everyone who celebrated it! Not mine, of course. I made up some Christmas napkin rings - we don't use napkins, and we don't sit up at the table for formal Christmas lunch in the heat - but the rings look lovely ... I'm almost tempted to convert.The journal cover was sewn from fabrics I dyed with Ankie King and Maxine O'Toole some time ago - Indigo galore - beautiful fabrics and a wonderful time spent with Ankie. If the opportunity arises ... it truly is a few days not to be missed. Beaded and stitched with various threads, including a silk and stainless steel thread I obtained from the Fibre Festival in Brisbane earlier this year.
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