Some of the best things come from leftovers, not always food related. Using the fabrics surplus to a "
Sampler-Revisited-What-Was-I-Thinking?" exercise, a recent retreat meant time and space to play. The sampler was completed after a series of false starts and faux finishes, interrupted on more than one occasions by a glass of discussion and a meal at
The Vue. Access to the sage advice and wisdoms of fellow retreatees took care of the leftovers. Retreatees and a treatise. Everyone brings their "
skinful of perceptions" (thank you Mum) and the weekend is always richer for it. So my leftovers gained value and now it's up to me to give them meaning.
Full stitch ahead ...
Our accommodation at the Outlook
Deck with a View
What couldn't you cook in this?
Quote acknowledge and I forget which philosopher it was
"a glass of discussion" -- I must remember that. :-)
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