Am I bigger than a mandarin? |
The grey skies cleared for most of the day on Friday. Today, however is Saturday and we're back to .... grey. We had some grey visitors - which for Australians can still be hard to follow. These are either Eastern or Western Grey Kangaroos - which can be brown - and are distinguishable by the narrowness of the face and the amount of black on the tail, feet and paws. Unfortunately it is rather wet and while I think these are Western Greys ... they are in all likelihood Eastern greys which in geographically-correct terms should really be called southern-not-tropical greys. I can see why the experts stuck with Eastern and Western.
Anyway ... these two are young fellows and part of a group of up to nine that frequent our place. Big Willy (the subject of much earlier posts) has moved on ... literally. This group regularly visits the neighbour's paddock and spend a bit of time surveying our fenceline. Apart from the odd English-born Australian male shaking his fist in the air shouting "bugger off" ... they enjoy a rather quiet and peace-filled existence out here.
Enjoying the top gardens ... |
Coming up the driveway ... |
gorgeous and so much at home by the look of them
The Creator's sense of humor definitely shows up in these guys!
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