Day Two of the WA Craft Show today. Trunk Show C is getting lots of traffic - this empirical evidence only based on it taking nearly two hours to eat three crisp breads with avocado for lunch in between talk shows "on demand" and SAQA brochures disappearing into hands belonging to twinkly-eyed future art quilters. Wonderful to meet so many of our WA SAQA members face-to-face - sharing our love of textiles and art quilts and a surprise visit from another 2QAQ member on holiday from Brisbane. The demonstration table is fully functional with a lot of interest in talking through some of the techniques used in "This is a Quilt!" and linking that to the artists statements - giving them meaning beyond mere process and making linkages between how a particular technique gives life, movement or meets a particular artistic need of the quilt's creator. It is a wonderful and exciting environment to be in.

The empty paracetamol packet provided interesting texture on a hand dyed and printed piece of cloth
Books, brochures and everything SAQA at the WA Craft Show
Great job Ali, very proud of you!
Dick cant believe the size of it all
Thank you Sue - you left some very big shoes to fill and made the path a lot easier to tread - have met many of your friends here in Perth ... and the quilting community here is fantastic.
So glad you are there to bring our work to life! Thanks for representing us so well!
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