While walking the streets of Philadelphia the public library had a rare books exhibition - many of the original works of Charles Dickens (and some of Beatrix Potter). Being early (pre lunch) there was not another soul in the place and it was an privilege to be able to have the entire exhibition and displays to oneself for an hour or two. I loved the sketches and drawings - not necessarily by Dickens - and was taken with Grip, the Raven and the gravestone of "Dick" who was deemed "
the best of birds". Grip is said to be the inspiration for Edgar Allan Poe's "Raven". Vincent Price does
a fantastic reading on youtube - a good investment of 9 minutes. Just love it (advertisements across the bottom notwithstanding) and as one who peers long into the darkness, now fading with the dawn of Sunday, I'll take by soul within me burning off to make a cup of tea.
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