A funny thing happened on the way to finishing an assignment today. One of those moments when the reverse side of the piece ended up doing all the talking. So here's to surprise outcomes, the unexpected, and an (edited) version of the tale ...
Narrative: The images represents the imbalance of power in a relationship as the dominant mug overpowers the more delicate, saucered tea cup. The mug is neither physically violent nor abusive towards the tea cup, it is about controls in the absence of presence, the lack of materiality about the mug and the relationship. It is about ... instant coffee. The mug fails to understand the cup can be fragile and needs to be held, balanced and supported. The cup realises that marriage is for life, not forever. The marriage, like the broken tea cup, does not hold anything of substance or sustenance for life. After many years, the cup breaks free, accompanied by a box of Tupperware. The cup and saucer are immediately reborn, cherish the consumption of Twinings English Breakfast tea and grow on many levels.
Post script: after finding God in three different places after the cup left, the mug became comfortable it was okay just as it was – and combined with the inability to self reflect, the mug lived happily ever after).
Below is the front of the intended assessment piece - using recycled / used tea bag papers - the tannin stains, copper thread and black thread didn't create sufficient contrast for the purpose of the exercise. I really enjoyed the process - to be filed away in the "remember for next time folder".