Sunday, 15 November 2015
Still threads ...
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Back from where ever
Arrived back in blogland after a break of some 5 months. Actually I was curious to see if anyone noticed. I questioned how many people still use blogs as a primary source of information over, say, instagram or Facebook or Twitter or YouTube ... or insert name of whatever is coming next. Also, it's easy for life to get in the way. It's easy to release the vigilance and commitment required to keep providing words that are of interest to others. I find it challenging to be in the moment and stay long enough to find meaning - not getting caught up in the paraphernalia of smart this-and-that, pick me, pick me. So I stopped taking so many photos that I forgot to pause and drink in the view simply because I could. I took a break from a brief romance with instagram to taste an idea. Finally, I got to Adelaide last week and be with my South Australian tribe. Surrounded myself with givers and lifters - of quilts, stitching and ideas. Bathed in the smiles and laughter of dear friends and generous spirits. Somewhere in the midst of day 3, someone asked what had happened to my blog. Nothing, I smiled. Absolutely nothing. And that's where I needed to be so I could come back. And it feels great.
Sunday, 28 June 2015
Textile works by Eko Mugroho
On a recent visit to the Queensland Art Gallery I came across the works of Eko Mugroho, an Indonesian textile artist and machine embroiderer. I like the subversive political elements of his works, his use of colour and stitch and how he creates texture. Great use of contrast and I find it interesting to see how visual balance has been achieved in each piece. His cartoon like speech bubbles deliver a shared irreverence for the political elite. Eko's use of rayon thread gives each piece a sheen and always invites closer inspection. A visual treat around yet another corner of another gallery in the QAG ...
Thursday, 18 June 2015
Meaning and context on paper
From carrier and protector of mushrooms - breaking down the fibres through scrunching, folding, unfolding and repeat. It now has a velvety quality when held .... just like the mushrooms before they too were transformed. And now for the yum part ...
Saturday, 30 May 2015
Layers of meaning - inspired by Martinitoren, Groningen

Saturday, 23 May 2015
Open Studios of the Scenic Rim 2015

Shooting a perfectly good quilt
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
Rythm and discipline of creating
Monday, 4 May 2015
Textile Trails of the Scenic Rim - this May
Saturday, 2 May 2015
After the Jump - growing an online presence

Thursday, 2 April 2015
Life is beautiful ...
The next workshop started like a charm - lots of questions and opportunities to learn from each other. We had two sets of tables - one for 8 participants and the other catering for about 7 more. I worked mostly in the small space between them which, when workshops were not in progress, allowed people to walk through to the back wall and look at our quilts, cushion covers by Jane and other samples. During workshops there was only room for one person to move in that narrow space - me.
So I'm mid-sentence showing the two groups a quilt where I'd used chain stitch and whipped running stitch to create texture when "BANG" - a person who (to be fair) may have simply overlooked her medication at breakfast, swoops into the space where I'm standing, bumps me out of the way and snatches the demonstration piece from my hands to examine the stitching. I was too stunned to say anything and proceeded after a moment as if nothing had happened.
We were almost 40 minutes into the same class when a small voice from one of the tables said "Hmmm ... we're not making purses in this class, are we?" Life is beautiful and all credit to the three ladies who never did get to that purse workshop.Welcome to the land of stress free hand stitching!
Monday, 23 February 2015
Making the most of each day ...
Ruling out time spent at traffic lights, using moving walkways and stairs, there are likely to be 15 minutes in every day that can be claimed in the name of art. We decided to take back a few important hours at day's end - usually spent in front of a television set. Most evenings there's now a space between end of meal and the cryptic crossword to work on something substantial. However it's those 15 minute grabs, here and there, that enable me to get the most out of each week. They are often unplanned - the trick is to be ready to respond - oh, and to check that must-do-to-do list!
Sunday, 22 February 2015
Shimmering at Brisbane Stitches and Craft Fair
Saturday, 14 February 2015
Shimmer ...
I'm really glad my one traditional quilt a year for 2015 is ... Shimmer!
Sunday, 25 January 2015
Living (loving) linen
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
Clearing out and creative space
Monday, 19 January 2015
This is a quilt ...
Congratulations SAQA Star Recruiters!
Sunday, 4 January 2015
Variety is the spice of (stitched) life ...
Another variation using straight lines of stitch - different spacing creates different perspectives - and for the central, densely stitched area I used a recalcitrant metallic thread on the bobbin and stitched "upside down" with the right side of the postcard facing down, and using a dark thread on the reverse as a guide ...
Some free motion doodling or sketching - this time rock shapes as another way to create variety and texture while making the stitch as much of a focus as the background on which it is sewn.
The original layer of acrylic and felt was stamped with one of my very first lino cuts - an abstract leaf shape which has now been stitched, free motion, creating veins and lines ... the postcard was then edged with a dense zig zag (satin stitch) while the stitch length was varied - wide and narrow - for the four sides - this creates a less formal frame.
Saturday, 3 January 2015
Scraps, shirtfronts and 2015
Here's to your creative 2015 and making time to experiment, undertake artistic challenges or just enjoy being where you are. Life is good.